A Complete Guide to Choosing the Perfect Colored Contacts

Georgina Myhill

Updated on:

New Colored Contacts

While many people might think that colored contacts are just an eye accessory, they are much more than that which can enrich your appearance. Even if one is a cosplayer or just a person who is interested in changing the style and wearing various kinds of lenses, contacts in different colors allow changing the appearance in a minute. In this completely comprehensive guide, you’ll get all the information you need for choosing the right colored contacts and looking fabulous.

Is It Safe To Wear Coloured Contacts Daily

It is always reassuring to be as safe as possible when it comes to anything which is to be applied in the eyes. The good thing is colored contacts are safe of daily use if some certain rules are followed. First thing to consider is that it is very important only to buy colored contact lenses from well known brands and stores. Do not order lenses from sites and costume shops you have not researched since they may be hazardous to use.

Secondly, hygiene is crucial. Before touching your contacts, make sure to wash your hands clean so that you do not transfer bacteria on your lenses. Finally, use the contact lenses for only the advised number of hours a day which is between 8 – 12 hours.

Are There Any Prescription Needed For Coloured Contacts

Colored Contacts
Colored Contacts

If you do not require vision correction you still need a prescription for colour contacts. A prescription helps you to get the correct lens size for use in the eyes it eliminates instances whereby people decide to wear lens that causes soreness or some other degree of harm in the eyes. The replication process involves determination of the eye’s curvature and diameter hence identifying the right lens.

Also, a prescription confirms that your eyes are suitable for use of contacts. There are certain situations in which wearing contact lenses is simply not possible and this is something that has to be taken into consideration: dry eye syndrome.

How do I pick a permanent eye colour

Hence selecting the appropriate color can sometimes prove to be a very interesting yet overwhelming exercise. The right shade would be the one that complements your eye color, skin color as well as the kind of look that you want for your eyes. If you are looking for a less ravising change, the enhancement tints would be ideal for they bring out your inner eye hue. This is so because, while there appears to be some difference between the two in terms of the available choices, opaque tints can be said to be more effective for a more radical change in the eventual appearance of the hair product.

Skin tone also plays part in the decision making process of what type of shoes one should wear. Blue and gray colors are suitable for lighter skin while honey and hazel shades suit the darker skin complexion.

What Are the Differences Between Opaque and Enhancement Tints

Colored Contacts Now
Colored Contacts

With this background knowledge on the types of tints you can be able to make the right decision. The first type of Contact Lens Tint is an Opaque tint that is a solid color which gives your eyes a new color completely and they are good for dark eyes. Its best used in cosplay situations or if you want your face to change quite drastically.

On the other hand, enhancement tints are very light and these are meant for making the natural color of your eyes look even better. These are better suited for light eyes and give a very natural outlook of the eyes as compared to the rest of them.

What Should I Do for Them and How to Wash Coloured Contact Lenses

You should follow proper instructions on how to clean your colored contacts as it is vital for the proper health of your eyes. It is recommended that the contact lens wearer should always use a sterile contact lens solution in handling his lenses and, under any circumstance, should never use tap water to rinse his lenses. Swirl the lenses in the solution to wash it to get rid of any dirt that might be on the lenses.

Clean case and keep the contacts in it and keep the solution fresh and replace it every day. Always be sure to replace the case of contact lens after every three months to minimize cases of contamination.

Are there contacts lenses which can be used for correcting vision and at the same time modifying the color of the eyes

Colored Contacts
Colored Contacts

Indeed, most of the colored contact lenses come with prescription. What this means is that you can correct your vision while still changing the color of your eyes. At the time of buying, kindly mention that you need a prescription of the lenses that suits your prescription as well as the style you desire.

Cosmetic lenses or the colored contacts are also available if you do not require the contact lenses for vision correction but you want the change of color from your eyes.

Which Colored Contacts Look the Most Real

For instance, if one is going for a natural appearance, then he or she should use enhancement tints that matches the natural eye color. There are brands such as FreshLook and Air Optix that have lenses which are created to resemble the iris pattern to give that real change.

You should go for light colors which are as close as can be to your natural hair color for the most natural look. For instance, if you have brown eyes, it will be suitable to chooses shades, such as honey or hazel.

Are There Any Risks or Side Effects Associated with Colored Contacts

As much as colored contacts are safe to wear, we should know the risks and side effects associated with the lenses. Lack of hygiene can result in eye infections as well as suffered lenses might bring about rashes or allergy.

If you are planning to use colored contacts, it is highly advisable to consult your eye care professional and follow his/her advice.

Do Colored Contacts Work on Dark Eyes

Colored Contacts google
Colored Contacts

Of course, it is possible to wear colored contacts on dark irises, especially, if we are speaking about opaque colors. These lenses are particularly developed to give a perfect coverage of the natural black color of the eyes hence bring in a brand-new color into your eyes.

But, the enhancement tints will not work as bright on the dark eyes, so depending on the desired look, you need to opt for either of the tint types.

How Often Can I Use Colored Contacts In A Day

Someone asked, how long one should wear colored contacts and the answer to this is that, colored contacts should be worn for 8 to 12 hours at most. It is uncomfortable and puts the eyes at risk for infections when they are weighed down and overworn.

Also, if this is the first time you will be using contact lenses, it would be advisable that you wear it for shorter durations only and then increase the wearing time progressively.

How Do Colored Contacts Impact On Vision: What You Need to Know.

It should also be mentioned that high-quality colored contacts will not interfere with vision. In as much as this design is beneficial, if the lenses are not rightly fitted, there are likely to be fuzzy visions or formation of halos. These are common problems that occur when wearing contacts and it is always recommended that you get your lenses prescribed and fitted by a professional.

Do not wear the lenses which are meant to be used only for costumes as they may not greatly improve your vision.

What Occurs If One Wears Colored Contact Lenses

Some of the dangers are infections of the eyes, allergic reactions and scratching of the corneas. These risks are However, to reduce these risks one has to practice good hygiene and wear the right prescribed lenses from an eye care professionals.

Never let other people have your contacts and do not wear them while sleeping especially if they are not made for sleeping.

How Frequently must Colored Contact Lenses be Changed to promote Healthy Eyes

Frequence of replacement also depends with the kind of lenses you have acquired. There is daily disposable contact lenses which should be disposed immediately after use and the monthly disposals can be used for 1 month.

At the same time, it is recommended to follow the schedule of contacts replacement provided by both the manufacturer and your eye care specialist.

Do Colored Contacts Require a Prescription, Even if They Are Non-Prescription Lenses

Yes, colored contact lenses are ones that do not need a prescription but, any colored lenses, no matter if you can buy them without the prescription, need it. This helps in ascertaining that the lenses fit your eyes well and in addition your eyes are healthy for the use of contact lenses.

A prescription also acts as a way of preventing probable development of eye complications such as infections or discomfort.

What Materials Are Used to Create Colored Contact Lenses, and Are They Safe for Long-Term Use

Colored contact lenses are made of soft and flexible materials in order to ensure comfort and adequate oxygen supply to the eyes. Traditional ones are hydrogel while the newer ones are silicone hydrogel which permits oxygen passage to the cornea.

When the lenses are well cared for and when the recommended replacement is observed then these materials are safe for long-term use.

What Strategies Must Be Applied to Gain a Natural Appearance of Colored Contacts

For more natural appearance use color that are close to your eye color and skin tone. Enhancement tints are perfect especially when you need small modifications while the opaque tints provide radical enhancements that do not appear artificial.

For instance, brands that give intricate iris pattern such as Acuvue Define are those that have lenses made to harmonize with natural eyes.

Is There Anything that a Wearer of Coloured Contact Lenses Should be Advised to Ensure He/She Does

In general, colored contacts need as much care as the conventional contact lenses. Wash your contact lenses with special contact lens solution and do it without water, and keep your lenses in a fresh case.

Do not have the lenses in for more than the prescribed time and dispose them accordingly to the instructions of the manufacturer.

What Is The Actual Relationship of Colored Contacts to Lighting Conditions

This is because the shades difference in colored contacts based on different lighting condition;. This is due to the fact that natural light reveals the true colour of the lenses while artificial light distorts the lenses.

There are some lenses which are created to retain the same appearance even in different lighting conditions of the surrounding area.

in short

Making the right decision of purchasing colored contacts include factors such as safety, available colors, and how to take care of the lenses. By adhering to these rules you can update your look with brand new styling and still have healthy eyes. Are you prepared for the change and be the fabulous person you have always wanted to be? Take a look through our selection of low vision coloured contact lenses and find the ideal set today.

However, do not take this article to mean that you should go ahead and fiddle with your eyes – talk to an ophthalmologist first. Happy styling!

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